INFOPACK NEWS _ 08/02/2025
Markets - Branding & Design
How can packaging combat organised crime?
What can packaging hope to achieve in the fight against organised crime? The answer is: more than you might think, according to Andrew Masterson, Detective Inspector at PIPCU. ( Read more... )

Events - Fairs
Future-forward topics and trends to empower the industry at London Packaging Week 2024
The all-important presenters to participate at London Packaging Week 2024 are confirmed, with leading names from across the value chain to deliver informative and strategic insights to define the future of brands and their packaging. ( Read more... )

Events - Fairs
Today’s packaging is all about memorability
Easyfairs Senior Marketing Manager James Montero MacColl explains how the best thing about memories in the packaging sector is making them. ( Read more... )

Events - Fairs
Great design begins with an even better story
Pentawards chief Adam Ryan explains how sustainability is growing in sophistication and how brands are expanding their mission to be more playful, fun, and bright! ( Read more... )

Markets - Branding & Design
Creating a ‘green by default’ agenda for packaging
How long does it take for something groundbreaking to become business-as-usual? At what point do those nice-to-haves become the norm? How exactly does it happen? And, perhaps most importantly of all, how do you keep progressing after what was once exceptional becomes the default? ( Read more... )

News - Retail Packaging
Packaging Innovation is the key to meeting shifting consumer expectations
Naomi Stewart explains why digital commerce has given packaging more license to stand out than ever before. ( Read more... )

Markets - Branding & Design
Good design is inclusive design
From boxes mummified with tape, to tightly locked blisterpacks, most people have had experience with difficult to open packaging. But to a significant proportion of the population, these designs can go from a minor annoyance to something that renders packaging completely inaccessible. ( Read more... )

Events - Fairs
London Packaging Week opens for registrations
London Packaging Week, renowned as one of the premier exhibitions for sustainable and stylish packaging solutions worldwide, today opened for registrations with its organisers declaring 'packaging matters more than ever'. ( Read more... )