Digitalisation: transition presents opportunity

Innovation - Automation and Robotics

Digitalisation: transition presents opportunity

Natasha Avelange, Group XR Manager–Projects, at tna solutions, looks at the drivers behind digitalisation in food processing and packaging and the value manufacturers can expect to gain by embracing the change. ( Read more... )

CATEGORY: Automation and Robotics BRAND: tna
tna enables efficiency gains with the launch of the ‘Perfect Pair’: the tna robag 3e and tna auto-splice 3

Innovation - Automation and Robotics

tna enables efficiency gains with the launch of the ‘Perfect Pair’: the tna robag 3e and tna auto-splice 3

Global food processing and packaging solutions specialist, tna, has added the brand new tna auto-splice 3 to its packaging portfolio – making the ‘Perfect Pair’ alongside the tna robag 3e, which was launched in 2021 ( Read more... )

CATEGORY: Automation and Robotics BRAND: tna