A new online magazine is available


CATEGORY: Empresa BRAND: Infopack Magazine

We bid farewell to 2024 with an issue in which we compile the most emblematic packaging designs that have appeared in our pages throughout the year.

These are projects for different products and markets that serve to demonstrate that eco-design and innovation are part of the DNA of packaging and to highlight the high level of “Made in Spain” design. One of these brands is, without a doubt, Àuria Perfumes (on the cover), whose spokespersons, Maria Armengol and Fanny Le Bonniec, explain to us that “Good packaging not only communicates brand values, it also acts as an extension of the product”; this interview is very interesting to read. And of course, in the monthly ITENE dossier we explain the most innovative projects that the technology centre is carrying out, in this case Bionanopolys, on bionanomaterials.



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