Compostability, a real alternative defined by the future Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste
10/04/2024CATEGORY: JAVIER ZABALETA, managing director of itene
The future Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste, which will soon be approved, introduces a complete article - article eight - on compostability.
Specifically, it gives a maximum period of 24 months after the entry into force of the regulation for coffee pods in filter paper, adhesive labels on fruit and vegetables, and very light plastic bags to be compostable under controlled industrial conditions. We look at other important questions addressed by this regulation in this article.
The regulation defines in its article the conditions for a packaging to be considered compostable, among which is that it is capable of undergoing physical, chemical, thermal or biological decomposition so that the bulk of the packaging ultimately decomposes into carbon dioxide, mineral salts, biomass and water; and that it does not hinder the separate collection and composting process or activity to which it is subjected under industrially controlled conditions.
In addition, it indicates that there may be cross-contamination between conventional and compostable plastics affecting the bio-waste and recycling streams. To counter this threat, clear regulations are established for the use of compostable plastic packaging, prioritizing its use when it contributes to the collection or disposal of bio-waste.
The document also states that a system of harmonized symbols for packaging and waste containers should be created, with the aim of improving the separate collection and recycling of packaging waste.
The regulation encourages very lightweight plastic bags to be industrially compostable. In addition, where adequate systems are in place to collect and treat organic waste, Member States may require that lightweight plastic carrier bags are only sold if they are made of special plastics that can decompose under controlled conditions.
On the other hand, measures for the sustained reduction of lightweight plastic carrier bag consumption are foreseen, including national reduction targets, economic instruments and marketing restrictions, provided they are proportionate and non-discriminatory. For example, Article 29 stipulates that the annual consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags may not exceed 40 such bags per person by 31 December 2025. Member States may exclude from the obligation to meet this target very lightweight plastic carrier bags that are necessary for hygiene reasons or provided as sales packaging for bulk food to avoid food waste.
To ensure the sustainability of packaging in the internal market, the aim is to harmonize requirements on compostability, packaging reduction and reuse. A presumption of conformity is foreseen for packaging that complies with harmonized standards, in order to ensure conformity assessment with these requirements. The Commission also has the power to amend certain aspects of the regulation in the light of technological and regulatory developments related to the disposal of compostable packaging.
Given the need to comply with these compostability requirements imposed by the future Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste, ITENE Compostability Lab offers testing services that determine whether materials and packaging comply with the requirements, providing reports that support industrial or domestic certification according to the main international seals: TÜV Austria, DIN CERTCO, BPI, European Bioplastics, ABA (Australasian Bioplastics Association) and REAL (Compostable Materials Certification Scheme). In addition, ITENE became in 2019 the first center in Spain accredited by ENAC to perform compostability tests in its four phases based on the UNE-EN 13432 standard. With the test reports issued by ITENE, it is eligible for the eleven certification schemes we work with.
At a time when compostability is becoming a priority for the packaging industry, ITENE emerges as an ally and specialist that provides comprehensive solutions to meet the regulatory challenges.
Javier Zabaleta
Managing director of Itene