Eperon realise dramatic savings and faster production with AeroLED
In GEW’s latest AeroLED case study video, they speak to the team at L’Eperon, a flexo printer based in the tranquil countryside location in the Dordogne region of France.
L’Eperon, who shifted into flexographic printing and adhesive labelling in the 1990s, made a decision to reduce energy costs at their plant. This initially led to the installation of an 80kW photovoltaic plant at the printworks, but latterly it’s led to the retrofitting of GEW’s AeroLED in a bid to counter further rising energy costs.
The UV arc and LED lampheads can be interchanged between print stations, for complete production flexibility.
As a result, the L’Eperon team now have a 47cm, 6-lamp GEW AeroLED system installed on their Omet X4 440 press, and a 45cm, 9-lamp AeroLED system on their Omet X-Flex 430. Both systems are compatible with GEW’s ‘ArcLED’ platform, meaning that UV lamp cassettes can be interchanged on each print station, to revert to running GEW’s E2C conventional mercury arc UV lampheads whenever necessary.
L to R – Laurent Millon, Christophe Vavassori and Eric Villemaine took the decision to switch to UV LED curing.
These retrofits have brought a raft of benefits to the L’Eperon team. Christophe Vavassori, who became President of L’Eperon in 2015, discusses all of these benefits in detail, including:
· The improved curing offered by UV LED;
· The energy savings offered by UV LED, compare to other drying methods;
· The improved productivity benefits enjoyed by the company;
· The lower maintenance time involved with UV LED lamps; and much more.
Click the link below to watch this case study video with L’Eperon, and learn why a switch to GEW’s UV LED curing systems can benefit you.