Guidelines for complying with the European Directive on single-use plastics



Over the last few months, in Spain there has been a change in the design of beverage containers, with the attachment of the cap to the neck of the bottle, motivated by a legislative obligation

In this case, this measure was published in 2019 in the European Directive 2019/904 on reducing the impact of certain plastic products on the environment. In this Directive, a number of key targets and obligations were defined from Europe for certain plastic products in order to encourage circular approaches, such as reuse, repair and recycling requirements, as well as reducing the amount of plastic waste generated.


This initiative has its antecedent in the publication of the Circular Economy Action Plan in 2015, from which the European Union has moved to the member states the need to take concrete measures covering the production, consumption and management of products and their...READING MORE AT

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