Industrial packaging for safe travel around the world


CATEGORY: Logistics BRAND: interpack

A large part of the goods that are produced globally is intended for export. All these goods often need to travel long distances and have to be safely packed for the journey

Therefore, the standards for industrial packaging for land, air and sea travel need to be high. The packaging industry reacts to these requirements with ever new solutions which make transport even safer, more easily traceable and more cost efficient.


The European Union ranks among the top actors in global trade: It is the world’s largest exporter of industrial goods and at the same time represents the largest export market for around 80 countries. The most important trading partner, according to the German Federal Statistical Office, is China: In 2021, goods worth 696 billion euros were traded between China and the EU – 16% of the entire EU trade in goods.


About 80% of the global transport of goods uses wooden packaging according to...READING MORE AT

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